Company News
Industry News
Drone Market Competition
DJI was ranked the no.1 drone supplier, took an estimated 45.0% of the global drone market revenue in 2014...
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Air Purifier Market China
The Chinese residential air purifier market revenue is forecast to decline by 11.1% in 2015...
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UAV Applications
Agriculture and power grid inspection are among the fastest growing UAV applications from now to 2020...
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Solar Technology M&As
The numbers of M&A deals in the solar industry have been increasing since 2011, and the deal values growing at...
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Global Drone Market
The world drone market is predicted to grow over 5-fold from 2014 to 2020, drivein by the rapid growth of...
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Solar Patent Analysis
After analyzing over 10,000 patents in alternative solar PV technology fields in the past five years, it is concluded...
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Global Solar Report
Thin-film and CPV technologies are poised for large commercialization in the near future ...
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Future Solar Technologies
Disruptive solar technologies are shaping the future of the global solar market...
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Intelligent Sports Market
Intelligent sports devices, such as intelligent sportswear, come closer to the Chinese market...
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Innovation eco-system China
China's innovation eco-system is set to improve, bringing vast opportunities to ...
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3D Printed Packaging
3D printed packaging market in China will grow significantly, driven by the growing demands on...
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